Exploding shower cabin! Who would have expected that?


We had a long trip from Puno (Peru) to Florianopolis (Brazil). The trip included 12 hours of wait in Lima airport, and another 12 hours in Sao Paulo airport. At both places we checked into a hotel room just for the day. We can’t imagine staying 12×2 hours in airport terminals, trying to stay awake and keep track of all the kids and luggage…

Anyway, in a hotel near Sao Paulo airport something totally unexpected happened – the glass shower cabin exploded while Sophia was taking a shower! We heard a loud bang, a startled shout, and then Sophia came out bleeding from more than a dozen places! Something was obviously wrong with the shower cabin, and maybe the heat of the shower triggered some kind of tension which caused it to explode – who knows?

The hotel staff whisked her off to a local hospital while I stayed with the kids in a new room!

A doctor patched her up and she got back to the hotel just in time for us to pack up and leave for the airport, to catch our connecting flight to Florianopolis. Fortunately the wounds weren’t too deep so most of them healed within a few days. So all in all the whole episode ended pretty well. But it was a pretty shocking experience for all of us!

Out of all the cool, interesting, and (slightly) dangerous places we’ve been during this trip, a shower cabin was probably the LAST place we’d expect to have an accident! That’s how life is, I guess. Expect the unexpected!

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One thought on “Exploding shower cabin! Who would have expected that?

  1. Tomas

    Ironic that you earlier linked to "Don’t forget your sunscreen""The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind: the kind that blindsides you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday."Happy to hear that it all ended well./Tomas

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