Monthly Archives: September 2011

Grejer såm jag saknar hemifrån när jag reser



Min hamster


Min synt








Min teve




Mitt pjano




Mina instrement


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Bilder med medlemar i familjen

Hej jag er David. Jag har fot en kamera. Dåmhär bildena har jag tagit med den.













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Blessed are thee…


who follow this blog!

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Writer’s blogck? And a little prep talk!


This is my first blogpost. Ever. So please do not read this. Because then I will have writer’s block since I noticed that: since we fired up this blogspace – today – hundreds of people have already found their way here! Don’t you people have anything better to do?!! Or maybe it’s just me and Henrik losing count of how many times we’ve visited this space ourselves ;^)

…but waitaminute… if I switch to Swedish I will probably lose some readers… or maybe inspire more folks to learn another language – if the Swedish text looks exciting enough? (testar: Sex, droger och rock’n roll, bra ord för en blond svensk flicka att fresta lingvister med?) or I could use the Darwinistic approach – survival of the hardiest – with bad French and bad jokes. Must warn you, they’re very bad, according to some…  

Now, apart from reasons like therapeutical writing, the motive for this posting was to ramble on a bit about life right now, a little prep talk! Here’s my braindump: checklists checklists visas vaccines bookings flights trains hotels, lending K the hamster, donating fishes, getting the house ready for our tenants, excavating piles and other disaster areas, and also getting all outdoor stuff ready for winter in our absence (including my armada of cayaks, canoes, surfboards and sailing dinghies), zillions of nitbit details I won’t mention here (whereof we can travel without doing all of them but it feels good getting them done before departure) and most of all: not stressing! Especially since I have a tendency of not taking care of myself (this is classical mum stuff I know). So for instance my back back-fired last week (lumbago acuta) since I neglected some warning signs, side-stepped from my training program and rushed away doing the wrong kind of physical activity. Bad sia.

But the great thing is, everyone around from near and far chipped in to help us with the kids, making food, doing small and big errands – and it was good for me to take a break from running around trying to do everything and instead having to prioritate the most important. And the most important things are not written on checklists, it’s the basic Maslow stuff like sleep and food. Fail those and everything else tends to fail, even if you want to go with the flow and act on impulses like ‘yes, it’s a great idea to start this Big Project before breakfast’ and before you know it’s almost lunchtime and you forgot about food and wonder why things goes haywire? Now the back is almost back in shape, the most important things on the checklists are mostly sorted out and…

 – hey, stop reading I said, it’s very hard for a newbe-blogger to keep focus if I start thinking of people actually reading this stuff! See? Now I’m getting nervous and can’t write anymore and it’s all your fault…


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A lot of stuff to do…


… but a lot of stuff Done too :o)

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Introducing the Big Family Trip


So here’s the plan. We are going on a Big Family Trip. We call it that because we’re a Big Family (me & Sophia and Dave 8, Jenny 6, Emma 3, Peter 1), and because it’s a Big Trip (6 months, 8 countries)!

The purpose of the trip is to expand our horizons, be together as a family, and have fun! I’ll be doing a little bit of work on the road (2-3 days per month), but most of the time will be family time.

Our 6 month journey will take us to Denmark, China, Japan, Thailand, New Zealand, Peru, Brazil, and British Virgin Islands. The detailed plan is here. But the plan is only a plan, and it is pretty flexible. The journey itself is the goal, not the destination!

I don’t know how much we’ll be blogging, but when we do write stuff it will be right here! So if you want to keep an eye on us, this is the place to be!

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And the winner is…

… Posterous!

After a fairly detailed comparison I’ve decided to use Posterous to blog about our Big Family Trip (to be described in an upcoming post).

[NOTE: we later migrated to WordPress because Posterous shut down /Henrik april 2013]

The other contenders were Tumblr, Blogger, WordPress, Resdagboken, Google+, Twitter, and Facebook – some of these were services that I’ve used before, the rest were services that people have recommended to me.

Posterous scored 100% on all our important needs + all bonus stuff as well! Very impressive. Tumblr and Blogger were fairly distant seconds. I kinda hoped Google+ would win, but the iphone app has no offline support which makes it kind of useless while travelling.

Anyway here’s the comparison chart.

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